My Journey as a Developer

December 2020 3 min read

This may be very long! So please bear with me…

Initial Stage

I was introduced to C programming in my college approx. 1.5 years ago but then I didn’t know what I was getting into but was quite good at it!

On October, 2019 I noticed a friend of mine who’s a my Mentor now sometimes and always a support that’s Dev. I asked him what was he up to one day when he was coding in a language probably NodeJS or something which I don’t remember!, he started to explain what was he up to and frankly speaking I barely understood what he was speaking of.

After this incident I started to ask him, How to start? What to start with? Where to start? What to learn? and many more… But instead of shouting on me he peacefully explained me what should be done but I didn’t know where to start and I always used to say that I’ll start with Python as I heard it a lot at that times and he left me to choose.

On January, 2020 I thought to start fresh and change my life, I’d a gut feeling that this would be a life changing year and I’ll convert my dreams into reality.

On March 5th, 2020. When I met Abishek CEO of studymonk in Starbucks where he came by and started to code and again when I saw this I was overwhelmed and was thinking that he’s some MasterMind or something like that. We started to communicate and he asked me what I’m interested in and guided me to go with JavaScript but me on the other hand didn’t let go the hang of Python and so did he said ok to that and lent me with some course materials and there after I left as I’d to travel back home for 2 hours. It was so nice to have met him and It helped a lot.

Mid Stage

There after as you know the Pandamic started and I was not sure what to do, but used to go through the course materials and started with baby steps and went along and learnt HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, DOM, Django till April.

Then in April I joined the studymonk Alpha wherein I learnt Advanced JS with ReactJS but I didn’t catch up with React as much as I did with JS but later I joined Riven Club at studymonk where I was assigned the President role where I’d to look after 40 members with the help of a team that supported me at all times and we as a Club learnt Web Development and started to progress and then I was interested in Cyber Security and there were options to choose from second month in the club so I chose that and started to dive in for two months but then I realized that it’s a vast domain and came back to React and MERN stack as I’d to reach my goal earlier as a programmer and a Software Engineer at the end of July.

Advanced Stage

There after I started with Web Dev again and started to learn React, MERN stack myself and Django with MySQL from my cousins classes. As I’d previous introduction to all these I picked up fast and got into these and improved myself from time to time.

In September I applied for an Internship which I got and am currently working at. I was really proud of this where I got in return 10K a month.

There after the story continues me learning and going on as a Web Developer and striving as much hard as possible.

Take Away

I just want to let you know that it may be hard in the initial stage but later with practice and persistence you can achieve whatever you can think of.