A Successful Confusing Life

June, 2020 3 min read
Hola, I’m writing a blog for the first time!!! Hope I don’t write something crazy and horrible. Well I was just kidding I’m not bore you by just bluffing all about myself.

I’m Bhanu Kiran, a normal Student as every others are but a taciturn.

School Life

As everyone I gone through Primary and High school education. I was very poor at Studies and always used to play and lavish my whole time after school. I still remember, I not used to write anything in my exams and get back home early when I was in 3rd grade, my Mon noticed this and took me back to school and started inquire about my written papers believe me I was shivering to death that where she’ll punish and hit me, but to my surprise she didn’t do that but a lot more hurting than that i,e she shouted on me like anything and told me the importance of life which changed in me a lot.
After that incident I was an ok Student who used to study at average. Till then I was like everyone. Fast forward to 6th, I changed my school where I started to show my old attitude but I got a teacher hit me like anything on my hand. I even remember it today because that’s the reason why I’m here today writing this. Pass this incident I came near to 88% and my mom was happy, all other students used to ridicule me so I became a taciturn, again fast forward to my SSLC, it’s the most precious time of a Student where I and the whole class was scared of our Mathematics teacher, because he used to hit us very hard if we had got less marks even then.

College Life

Then I took my brother’s advice and joined in SJP college in CSE. Where I was the same taciturn thinking all are the same and remained same for a year then I realized that this is not life and started to explore. Till then I was only knowing only what was there in books but when I started to socialize I came to know the society, people and everything.
Now where I’m is in this lock down thinking whether everything will be back to normal or not? What’s my Passion? Do I’ve a Passion? Am I making use of my Life? and many more questions running over and over in my mind and I’m in a confused state whether what should I do? and what should I not?


This might be the Story of most of you who are reading this but always keep in mind there’s no way is right or the wrong that you are in, what matters is that atleast you should believe in whatever you are in is Right even if the whole world stands against you, believe that the way you are in is right and don’t ever give up, strive through it and reach your destiny.